Food to fuel your dreams

Without a deeply nourished body and mind,
we won’t have the energy needed to progress in our career
or build the business we dream of 🚀

Our mission is to make plant-based eating exciting and give you simple tools
to tune into your own body. So you can always know how to nourish yourself
without ever having to follow a diet ever again.

Our approach

We do that through mostly plant-based foods and intuitive eating

🌱 Why mostly plant-based?

The reason I say “mostly” plant-based is that I don’t believe in diets and restrictions. And don’t believe we need to put a label on how we eat. Even though I eat 95% plant-based I would never consider myself strictly plant-based. After all, I’m French and I love my croissant with butter!

Nature provides us with everything we need in the plant world. The protein you get from a piece of meat, comes from a cow, which has been eating…grass. Proving that yes, plants have all the macro and micronutrients that our bodies need to thrive.

💖 Why intuitive eating?

We are all born intuitive, knowing exactly how much, when, and what to eat. We just lost touch with that intuitive sense because of society sending us mixed messages about diets trends and unachievable body ideals. Part of being an intuitive eater is to welcome all foods, yes ALL of them. 

In reality, food is neither good nor bad. There is no one size fits all way of eating because we all have different bodies and needs. There are only foods that nourish and fuel you or food that don’t.

Our Core Values


Exciting Healthy Living with Balance

Wake up excited to take care of your health every single day. We’ll incorporate more healthy plant-based meals into your life. While leaving room for hearty food (and maybe not as healthy food) from time to time and still feel damn good about eating it! Life is too short, you better enjoy your cake too (I sure do!). 


Step-By-Step Progress, Not Perfection

I believe (and science does too) small incremental changes lead to long-lasting and exciting healthy living. You’ll feel good without overwhelming yourself with big changes and making 180° shifts (we know these don’t work!).


Not Settling for Less Than Delicious

Look forward to having a lot more delicious plant-filled delicious meals in your life. I’m such a foodie and have demanding French taste buds, so I would never settle for anything less than D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. meals and snacks—and you shouldn’t either.


People, Mind, and Body Connections

Together we are stronger. Accountability is the secret sauce for sticking to your goals! Going through a health transformation to become more in tune with our body and mind is so much more rewarding when surrounded by other like-minded women.

About ines

Hi, I’m Ines Schubi. I’ve been helping women transform their health and relationship to food for the past 3+ years. 

Though I’ve always been passionate about food and cooking, I’ve had my struggles with it too. My personal journey toward holistic self-healing started in 2016 when my body shut down. I experienced severe eczema throughout my body. I was prescribed every topical solution possible. But none of them ever addressed the root cause.

They were only short-term surface level, fixes. So I decided to take charge of my own health and turned to plant-based food.

I went through a lot of trials and errors and frustrations. Finally, I’ve figured out a way to cure my eczema with Ayurveda and eating mostly plants intuitively. It totally transformed my life.

As a digital nomad and globe trotter, I’ve also lived and traveled the world 🌎 hosting workshops at the Vegan Festival in Montreal and in nomad hotels in South America. 

I wish everyone had access to all this knowledge from birth. That’s why I designed and created my programs Joyful Healthy Foodie and Nourishing Circle.

Where I help women go from stressing about food to guilt-free enjoyable eating and improve their nutrition through the power of community, habit creation, and the wisdom of Ayurveda aka “Science of Life”, the ancient holistic medicine of India. 

Now, my big vision is to help 1 000 000 women health their relationship with food and their bodies ✨

One delicious bite at a time.